We're in the process of reimagining events for a post pandemic world send us an email.

Tin Santos EP – Further Down

Our beloved neighbor, friend, lover, and community member, Tin, just recorded an album in the Synchronicity LA studio. Check it out!

Synchronicity on the RADIO!

The lovely Jennifer Sharpe spent some time at our house capturing our soundwaves!  It was aired this morning on 89.3 KPCC.  You can Listen HERE!

we’re in good magazine!

The i heart people tour

Two singer/songwriters (Johanna Chase and Tin Santos), an Illustrator (Andress Yourself), a filmmaker (Ryan Maxey), and friends are taking to the road on The I Heart People Tour, a tour with stops at 7 cities along the West Coast that aims to share music, art, and spread the word on urban intentional community living!

“On a veggie oil/solar powered bus, our crew will depart from our home in Los Angeles: The BLVD, a community of more than 30 friends in 5 houses, including Synchronicity LA. Recently featured in an article in GOOD Magazine, Synchronicity LA is part of an intentional community in LA that focuses on ‘generating community through hospitality, intentionality, artistic action, and a dedication to the reduction of harm.’”

“We hope to share the spirit of community by hosting bus-side potlucks in each city before each gig played by Johanna and her band. Bring some food to share, and join us around the bus for music from Tin Santos, live screen printing (tour shirts) by Andress Yourself, photo booth portraits on the front of the bus provided by Maxey Fish and Sea Reels, and you can add some color with your paintbrush skills to the community mural on the side of our bus! Underlying all of the fun, we want share community and original expression!”

….Learn more about this incredible tour on its Kickstarter page!


Jamie Criss is perched up at 1660 Westmoreland Blvd, at the beloved Treehouse. Here she is at the Synchronicity LA Salon reading a piece on life on the BLVD. I love these words, they paint such a vivid picture. I’m so happy that I’ll forever have this to bring me back to the beautiful days on Westmoreland BLVD.


A small taste of community living. All of our cups seemed to have disappeared. So i went on a cup hunt in all the nooks and crannies of Synchronicity LA. I found over 75 of them. Then I washed them and took pictures and sound.

a weekend with tin and ryan

Hi it’s Tin and Ryan. We like to take trips and also like to substitute put M’s in words where they don’t belong. Here we are gandering up Highway 395, seeking advemture within valleys and mountains. Moo.

bill (the red river) in our living room!

I remember listening to The Red River’s Little Songs About The Big Picture when it was released last month and thinking, “If our house had a spirit band, it would be the Red River.”  The album captures so much of the essence of our house, both in the way that we unashamedly get wild, sing, dance, and celebrate our friendship and free spirits… and in the way that we share our quiet, more painful and vulnerable  moments together. And, truly, can one exist without the other?  It reminds me of an excerpt from Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet:
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.  
And the selfsame well from which your
laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your


Bill from The Red River brought his music to Synchronicity LA’s living room. Here he plays the track “Dirty Dave” from The Red River’s latest release, Little Songs About the Big Picture, which, by the way, was named Top Ten Albums of the year by NPR’s music guru Bob Boilen ( ! Tin Santos and friends help out with the vocals on this track!


At the Synchronicity Salon.



MC Draperies

MC Draperies is a rapper and resident of Synchronicity LA.  He sings about sex, drugs, and community living.

Johanna Chase Live!

Johanna is a founding member of Synchronicity LA!  She is, will be, and always has been a singin’ fool!

Tin and Julia


Maxey Fish and Sea presents a premiere of Tin Santos and Julia McAlee’s “Monkey Paws” as performed at the most recent Synchronicity LA Salon.

This work in progress is brought to you by two spirited souls of Westmoreland Blvd. The performance is not without its bumps and bruises, but the song is too terrific not to give a glimpse. And the love that resonates through the Salon and its attendees is good and evident.


At the Synchronicity Salon


Poet John Paul II

Poet John Paul II at the Synchronicity LA Salon.

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