Molly Reports
Molly Gray, a graduate student from USC, recently visited our humble abode and wrote a wonderful article about us in her blog entitled Molly Reports. The report talks about our community and one other called Villanova. Molly is an Annenberg Fellow working toward an MA in Digital Journalism at the University of Southern California. Thanks for coming over and spending time with us Molly!
You can check out the beginning of her report below and then go to her website to see more. We also posted the slideshow and video she created.
Update! Molly’s article was just accepted to the Huffington Post, so feel free to also read her article via the HuffPost!
Artistic communities are a haven for artists in the middle of the city
by Molly Gray…posted April 25, 2012
Aside from a few small details — a bronze peace sign above the front door and a turquoise bus parked in the driveway — this craftsman house in a quiet West Adams neighborhood looks just like any other.
Once inside, the sounds of the electronic pop band Passion Pit and the smells of vegetarian Thai curry drift throughout the home.
It’s nearing 8:30 p.m. and pretty soon a hand-carved wooden whistle will signal to anywhere between 10 and 20 people that dinner is ready… all of molly’s article…

Filed under Community Living, Videos, Writing